Sober living

The Missing Piece: The Spiritual Malady Residential Recovery Program & Addiction Transitional Sober Living Home

spiritual malady definition

Regardless of how it manifests itself, a spiritual malady is always rooted in an inner conflict. This inner conflict can be caused by many different things, such as childhood trauma, unresolved grief, or trauma related to addiction. A spiritual malady is a deep-seated inner conflict that leads to restlessness, irritability, and discontentment. It is a sense of “otherness” that keeps us from feeling at peace with ourselves and the world around us. Engaging in acts of service is a powerful way to foster empathy, strengthen spiritual foundations, and counteract feelings of isolation.

The Power of Obsession in Alcoholism and Addiction

spiritual malady definition

Reappraisals to a punishing God, reappraisals of God’s powers, and expressions of spiritual discontent partially mediated the relationship between trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms. In contrast, reappraisal of the event to evil forces was unrelated to PTSD symptoms. It may be that attributing the event to evil forces provides an unsettling but satisfactory explanation for some trauma survivors, perhaps because it distributes blame away from self or God to a being already understood as malevolent (e.g., Pargament et al., 2004). This finding suggests that aspects of spiritual struggle are related but distinct constructs that should be assessed separately in future research.

spiritual malady definition

Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12-Step Program

By addressing this spiritual disease through connection with a higher power, the 12 Steps, and professional help, individuals can find a path to lasting sobriety and holistic healing. So, what is the cure for physical, mental, emotional, shadow, social and spiritual illness, and disease? No amount of reason or rationalization with someone under threat, who is physiologically incapable of reason in that moment, will work. No amount of reason, rationalization, or punishment, will restore their sight. Giving a threatened person safety instead of reason, rationalization, or punishment, is the equivalent of giving a blind person sight. The threatened given safety will see, understand, connect, bond, and thrive.

spiritual malady definition

Cultivating Connections in Recovery: Fellowship and a Higher Power

When dealing with the disease of alcoholism we are selfish and self-centered beings. We use everything and everyone, even when we stop using alcohol and drugs to cope with thesefeelings spiritual malady of being unsatisfied and uncomfortable in life. The more we focus less on ourselves we allow a god of our understanding to enter our minds and work in our lives.

  • It is therefore imperative that we evaluate and understand threat well.
  • A supportive environment that understands the spiritual aspects of recovery can provide more meaningful assistance.
  • A potential difficulty with measuring spiritual struggle is its relative infrequency.
  • Here at California Detox in Laguna Beach, we can help you unpack the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of alcoholism.
  • Without addressing this spiritual malady, we have absolutely no hope for intrinsic change or recovery.

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Finally, self-reliance can be dangerous because it can lead to complacency. When people become too self-reliant, they may stop working on their program entirely. This complacency can then lead to a sense of entitlement which is extremely dangerous for people in recovery. Entitlement leads to unrealistic expectations, which often leads to disappointment and resentment. To do this, members must rely on their support system which includes other members, sponsors, and meetings. When people become too self-reliant, they often start to think that they don’t need AA anymore.

spiritual malady definition

Finding the Right Support System

spiritual malady definition

Participants and Procedures

  • In step 10 of AA, the “world of the spirit” allows those with alcohol use disorder to move beyond the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of life, eliminating the ego and spiritual malady rather than remaining spiritually blocked from engaging with a higher power as you see it.
  • AA recommends waiting a year before entering into new personal relationships to focus on self-love and recovery.
  • The present findings suggest that trauma exposure results in PTSD symptoms in part through the negative cognitions of spiritual struggle.
  • While religion is often helpful in times of stress, it can also be a source of stress if religious beliefs or attributions suggest maladaptive ways of understanding an event.